Command and Processes Table - W
For more information on the terms 'Command', 'Process' and 'Macro Command', see Command Table Introduction.
These tables list all commands and processes available in all products. If your product has access to a command or process, the link on the left of the table takes you to a dedicated help file for more information. If no link appears, the function isn't available in your product.
Symbols used in this table:
A green tick indicates that the module is part of the core
system licensing for the specified product - no additional module
is required.
X A red cross indicates the module is not part of the listed system and any commands held within it cannot be run (a separate product will be required).
� A blue diamond indicates the module is an optional extra for the specified system.
For Macro commands, see here.
Commands - W
Command Name |
Description |
More Help |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Set colour for wall strings in underground mine design. |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Turn on or off the generation of wall strings during drive linking. |
X |
Toggles the source of wireframe attributes between strings and the user. |
Command Help | |
X |
Toggle the display of wireframe open edges on or off during verification. |
Command Help | |
X |
Toggle the conversion of displayed lines to strings in wireframe verify. |
Command Help | |
X |
Show/Hide all wireframe objects data. |
Command Help | |
X |
Hide all wireframe objects data. |
Command Help | |
X |
Show all wireframe objects data. |
Command Help | |
X |
Split a wireframe into multiple parts using multiple selected strings. |
Command Help | |
X |
Toggle display of crossovers between wireframe surfaces during verify. |
Command Help | |
X |
Turn on or off wireframe intersection when projecting string. |
Command Help | |
X |
Takes two wireframes and creates string outlines where they have triangles that intercept. |
Command Help | |
X |
Toggle the display of wireframe shared edges on or off during verification. |
Command Help | |
X |
Toggle the checking of duplicate points on or off during verify. |
Command Help | |
X |
Control the selection of wireframe data by user attributes. |
Command Help | |
X |
Control the selection of wireframe data by field specification. |
Command Help | |
X |
Control the selection of wireframe data by file names.. |
Command Help | |
X |
Control the selection of wireframe data by user defined filters. |
Command Help | |
X |
Control the selection of wireframe data by picked wireframe group. |
Command Help | |
X |
Control the selection of wireframe data by picked wireframe surface. |
Command Help | |
X |
Displays the Project Settings dialog's Wireframes panel. |
Command Help | |
X |
Toggle the renumbering of wireframe surfaces off or on during verify. |
Command Help | |
X |
Turn on or off automatic display of wireframe slice intersection with the view plane in either the 3D window. |
Command Help | |
X |
Activate interactive selection of wireframe triangle data. |
Command Help | |
X |
Outputs a closed wireframe describing the volume between the Upper and Lower DTMs. Unlike the wireframe-under-surface-intersecting command, both cut and fill volumes will be created. |
X |
Launches the Clean Wireframe dialog, which provides a set of options which can be used to fix many problems in wireframes found during the verify command. |
Command Help | |
X |
X |
Reconstruct point cloud data using the Point Reconstruction Console |
X |
Reduces the amount of data points in a wireframe by reducing the number of edge and wireframe faces according to defined criteria. |
Command Help | |
X |
Reduces the amount of data points in a wireframe by reducing the number of edge and wireframe faces according to defined criteria. |
X |
Evaluate an open or closed wireframe object using dynamic evaluation methods. |
Command Help | |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Model hanging wall and/or footwall surfaces between drillhole sample points representing a veins structure. |
X |
Creates separate wireframes or strings for each logically discrete piece of a two wireframe interaction. Includes "differences", "intersections" etc. |
X |
The Intersection command takes two wireframe objects and creates a new wireframe object representing their overlapping (common) volume. |
X |
This command launches the Extract Separate dialog, preconfigured to merge two nominated wireframe objects into a single output data object. |
X |
Creates a string where a defined plane intersects a wireframe object. |
X |
Creates multiple strings where a defined set of planes intersect a wireframe object. |
Wireframe smoothing allows you to minimize severe changes in edge direction throughout a wireframe surface, creating less angular, more rounded structure.. |
Command Help | |
X |
Finds the outer surface of overlapping solid wireframes. |
Finds the outer surface of overlapping solid wireframes. |
Command Help |
X |
Splits a closed wireframe by a DTM. The user may choose to keep the solid above the DTM or the solid below it. |
X |
Splits a solid wireframe object into multiple parts using a plane (view plane; a plane specified by azimuth, inclination and a reference point; 3D section; or a plane picked using the pointer) and inter-plane distance. |
X |
Splits a wireframe into two or more parts using a selected string. |
X |
Splits a wireframe into two or more parts using a selected string. |
X |
Surface operation to update one wireframe DTM surface with another (Update DTM). Surfaces do not have to intersect. |
X |
Surface operation to update one wireframe DTM surface with another (Update DTM). Surfaces must intersect cleanly to use this command. |
X |
Finds the outer surface of overlapping solid wireframes. |
X |
Generates a sub-topography volume based on an underlying surface. Surfaces do not have to be intersecting to use this command. |
X |
Generates a sub-topography volume based on an underlying surface. Surfaces must intersect to use this command. |
X |
The Union operation takes two solid wireframe objects and creates a single wireframe with the same surface appearance and characteristics as the two component wireframes together. |
X |
Triangulates the chosen wireframe and tries to produce consistent normals. If there are shared edges, the normals generated may not be correct. |
X |
Reports the volume of a solid wireframe, or the volume enclosed by a plane above or below a DTM. |
Reports the volume of a solid wireframe, or the volume enclosed by a plane above or below a DTM. |
Write drillhole data to a file with optional Output filter. |
Write all point data to a named points file. |
Write selected drillhole data (one or more) to an external file |
Write a single drillhole item to an external file |
Save one or more selected points as a separate file. |
Saves a single, selected string as a separate file. |
Saves a single, selected string as a separate file. |
Saves currently loaded and displayed wireframes to wireframe triangle and points files. Honors current filter settings. |
Processes - W
Process Name |
Description |
More Help |
Joins two sorted files on designated keyfields. Matching input fields and all records are output. |
X |
This process evaluates a wedge volume whose limits are defined by two or three DTMs or wireframe surfaces. |
X |
WFCODE codes points in a file that are constrained by one or more wireframes. |
X |
X |
This process creates a copy of the original wireframe, where each triangle has been moved outwards (or inwards) by a set distance. |
X |
This process creates a DTM wireframe surface which can be extended beyond the data limits by a specified distance using a planar trend surface. |
X |
This process generates a block model from a wireframe model. |
X |
"Section" wireframe to produce perimeters. |